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Aki's B'ook'log

Currently reading

Crisis on Infinite Earths
Marv Wolfman, George PĂ©rez
Guards! Guards!
Terry Pratchett
The Crippled God (The Malazan Book of the Fallen #10)
Steven Erikson

Reaper's Gale (Malazan Book 7) (The Malazan Book of the Fallen)

Reaper's Gale (Malazan Book 7) (The Malazan Book of the Fallen) - Steven Erikson Set in the continent of Lether this book deals with the aftermath of the Edur victory over the Letherii. This book wasn't quite engaging in the first half though it picks up after the arrival of the Bonehunters. It has some of my favourite characters Tehol, Bugg, Fiddler and Hellian. Karsa and Icarium are badass as usual. Not the best in the series but better than Midnight Tides.